Get Mold Damage in Your Chattanooga Area Home Under Control Today
4/26/2017 (Permalink)

SERVPRO's Quick Response can Immediately Contain a Mold Infestation
There is an extreme overabundance of information concerning mold available online these days. You may notice terms such as Mold Removal, Mold Testing or Analysis, while others attempt to scare you with terms like Black Mold. A lot of this information leads you in the wrong direction.
If you experience mold damage in your Chattanooga area home, you should seek professional assistance. A quality mold remediation company provides you with the services you need to help get things under control quickly and efficiently, without offering services you simply do not need.
Avoid getting caught up with a company that makes you wait for 24 to 72-hours for test results from a lab before proceeding with their services. Waiting gives mold a chance to spread even further, causing more damage, and leads to additional costs.
Purchasing a home test kit, waiting for results, or going with a company that tries to tell you that they can totally eliminate or remove the problem from your home can lead to even more problems than what you have now. Any company that claims their services can totally eliminate mold issues in your home is simply lying to you.
Mold is a natural part of our ecosystem, consisting of microbes that play a major role in recycling decaying organic materials within our environment. These fungi exist everywhere, within the air that we breathe, the food that we eat, the water that we drink.
There is no way for us to eliminate them from our environment, although it is possible for us to control the amount of exposure we experience within our indoor living environments. SERVPRO’s mold remediation services help us accomplish this goal.
Regardless of how much mold or the type of mold present in your home, professional remediation services, like those offered by SERVPRO are your best bet for getting the help you need. We provide you with technicians that have several years experience and help get things under control fast, while also helping you prevent future contamination.
SERVPRO technicians use physical removal methods to mitigate mold damage found on your property, locating the water source causing the issue and removing excessive moisture quickly. Our technicians are available 24-7 through our emergency response system, giving you the help you need immediately.
Call SERVPRO of East Chattanooga today to obtain the services you need to get mold damage in your home under control quickly and efficiently, with limited interruptions to your normal routine. (423) 326-1406